


  1. 国内保修
  2. 房屋保修福利



A 国内保修 is a smart way to avoid unexpected and expensive repair costs. 美国本土盾, you also have the convenience of having one company to contact to when your covered home systems and appliances break. bet3365标准版帮你处理困难的事情,你可以放松一下.

想想有一个 国内保修 为您的家庭和生活方式提供安心.




  • 安心: 当你家里出问题时,bet3365标准版会支持你. It’s nice to simply place a service request to help make things right.
  • 预算的保护: You don’t have to break the bank when covered systems or appliances inevitably break down.
  • 方便: No more endless searching for a repair Pro—we do that for you.

30天做工保证:如果您对已完成的维修有问题 或更换 服务后30天内,bet3365标准版会免费送一台Pro回去.


看到 计划协议 for coverage details, including service fees, limitations and exclusions. 未承保项目的承保范围和费用可能适用.


听起来是个计划. 找到最适合你的保修单.




高枕无忧. With our Shield Assurances, we take care of things other 国内保修 companies might not, like:

  • Breakdowns caused by normal wear-and-tear, no matter the age of a covered item
  • 未知的,预先存在的崩溃
  • 无维护记录项目
  • 同一件物品的复制品,比如多余的空调
  • 拆除有缺陷的设备
  • 制冷剂的回收、回收和处理
  • 由于安装或维修不当造成的故障, 维护不足, 生锈, 腐蚀和沉积物以及不匹配的暖通空调系统

看到 计划协议 for coverage details, including service fees, limitations and exclusions. 未承保项目的承保范围和费用可能适用.


See how 美国本土盾 keeps customers covered and smiling all over the country.

作为一个全新的客户,我的经历非常棒. 在网上提交维修请求很容易. I was called by the contracted pro within an hour and scheduled for 2 days later. 专业人士很棒,我也给了他的公司5颗星! 唯有通过 covered brand new replacements of a couple of my issues and the repair of the other issue, 都在同一位专家的访问下.  To have the plumber work on the repairs for hours and to get new replacements under a singular service fee was incredible. 我非常感激并向其他人推荐了唯有通过. 非常感谢你! 你超出了我的期望.

克里斯汀·W. 俄勒冈州

The repair pro 唯有通过 they sent out to repair my A/C was very professional and got it fixed with cool air flowing again. 教练唐尼非常棒

琳达W. 内华达

喜欢能够24/7提交服务请求. 他们马上就开始处理我的请求了. The businesses and technicians that come to fix my appliance, etc. 总是“一流的”,专业的,有能力的.

榛子W. 新泽西

Appointment was set on my timeline, not the repair shop, which was great. 我本来可以更早得到它,但它对我不起作用. Repairman showed up on time, repaired my appliance quickly and was professional and friendly.

珍妮特李. 加州

I have had 唯有通过 coverage for many years, and I am a very satisfied customer.  我的最后一次经历就在几天前.  我外面的水龙头漏水了,我给唯有通过发了邮件, 一天之内我就派了一个管道工, 几天后,我装了一个全新的水龙头.  它并不总是那么快, especially if you need service on certain brands of stoves or refrigerators.  然而, I have had had both my fridge and kitchen stove replaced by 唯有通过, 我对这个过程和结果非常满意.

吉姆年代. N/A

自2018年以来,bet3365标准版对唯有通过感到满意, when we purchased our home and have used the service several times. 只有两次没有被报道. 总的来说,这是一个很棒的服务. Have used it for fridge, dishwasher, stove, faucets, bathtub faucet, dryer.

标志着. 华盛顿D.C.

By far one of the best investments I’ve ever made with my home. 房屋所有权会发生太多意想不到的事情, and 唯有通过 has made it so I don’t have to worry about them financially. They have saved me hundreds to thousands of dollars a year from HVAC to appliance repairs.

唐尼米. 俄克拉何马州


商业促进局 优秀奖得主




* 25倍

You’re 25 times more likely to use 唯有通过 than your homeowners insurance


We’ve paid more than 40亿美元 in 国内保修 claims over the last 7 years

*Calculated based on the 2022 唯有通过 claims data compared to insurance claims from Insurance Information Institute.



Having a 国内保修 can be what makes or breaks your budget. 不像房主保险, our plans protect you from spending potentially thousands of dollars out-of-pocket to repair or replace commonly used systems and appliances in your home. 和, 当故障发生时, all you have to do is place a service request and we’ll send a t生锈ed Pro to your home to diagnose the issue.

是的. Our t生锈ed Pros will always discuss recommended next steps with you before making any moves. 这是否是一种权宜之计, 需要订购特定的零件, 或者完全替换, our Pros will always discuss their diagnosis and recommendations with you before moving forward with any repairs or next steps.

也被称为诊断费, this is the cost for a Pro to figure out what's wrong with your covered system or appliance, 这是任何维修过程的标准. This is a nonrefundable fee each time you place a service request, but you get to choose the amount when you purchase your 国内保修 plan.

即使需要多次旅行才能完成修理, 您仍然只需为该请求支付一次服务费. Our 30天做工保证 also ensures that you won't pay for a service again if the original fix fails within 30 days. bet3365标准版会把它修好,不额外收费.

There is no fee for installing covered items or removing the old ones from your home. 然而, it is important to note that if the replacement cost exceeds your plan's coverage limit, 剩下的金额由你负责. 看到bet3365标准版样品合同 有关详情.

服务请求没有限制. You can request service online 24/7 and then pay your Service Fee per service request. Our coverage includes parts and labor to fix your covered issue. 也, 如果bet3365标准版给你换件东西, we will remove the old system or appliance at no additional charge.

别担心. 是保证.

Have a plan for your home when things don't go according to plan
